Extenuating Circumstances
If a student’s grades were adversely affected by health or personal issues, some universities may take these extenuating circumstances into consideration when making admission decisions. The following are links to each university’s admission policies about extenuating circumstances.
Algoma University
Algoma University reviews all applicants on an individual basis. If you have special or extenuating circumstances, you are encouraged to email the Office of the Registrar.
Brock University
Brock University will evaluate each applicant on an individual basis. You may request an individual review by writing and sending a letter directly to Brock University. Any letters and/or supporting documentation should clearly articulate how the special circumstances have impacted your academic performance.
Send your letter to:
Brock University
Office of the Registrar, Admissions
1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way
St. Catharines ON L2S 3A1
Carleton University
If you have any special/extenuating circumstances that have affected your academic grades and should be taken into consideration when Carleton evaluates your application, you should submit a letter about these special/extenuating circumstances to .
University of Guelph
Find all supplementary forms and information about special or extenuating circumstances on the .
University of Guelph-Humber
The University of Guelph-Humber strongly encourages students applying with special/extenuating circumstances to submit a .
If a student has additional questions or requires more information, they may email the University of Guelph-Humber's Student Recruitment & Admission Services or call 416-798-1331, ext. 6056.
Université de Hearst
Si, pour des circonstances exceptionnelles, vous êtes inadmissible à un programme, l’Université de Hearst vous encourage à envoyer un courriel à l’Université de Hearst en y expliquant votre situation et vos raisons.
Lakehead University
If you have extenuating circumstances that have affected your grades, you should email Lakehead's Student Central for more information or call 1-807-343-8500.
Laurentian University
If you have special/extenuating circumstances, we encourage you to email Laurentian University's Office of Admissions at admissions@laurentian.ca or call 1-800-263-4188 for more information.
McMaster University
If you have extenuating circumstances that may impact your academic performance, please contact us through our live chat to submit form. We will direct students on the process and requirements as part of their admission.
Nipissing University
Applicants who feel they have any extenuating circumstances that may have affected their academic grades that they feel should be taken into consideration when we evaluate their application should submit an . All applicants must meet the minimum requirements for admission consideration to Nipissing University. The information provided on this form will only be taken into consideration if an applicant's admission average falls below the program threshold for admission.
Completion of this form is voluntary. Extenuating circumstances could include, but are not limited to: Serious personal illness or injury, disability, illness or death of a family member, financial hardship, or personal and family matters.
OCAD University
OCAD University reviews all applicants on an individual basis. If you have special/extenuating circumstances, you are encouraged to email OCAD University's Admissions & Recruitment Office.
Université de l'17³Ô¹Ï français
If you have extenuating circumstances which you wish to bring to the attention of the admission service, . The university will analyze the submission and determine whether the described conditions will be considered.
17³Ô¹Ï Tech University
If your grades are affected by exceptional circumstances that you can document, you are encouraged to email 17³Ô¹Ï Tech University's Office of the Registrar with the appropriate information or call 905-721-3190.
University of Ottawa
Students who wish to tell Ottawa about their personal journey, such as circumstances or challenges that may have influenced their grades, may fill out the . This process is optional for Canadian students who applied to certain direct-entry faculties and wish to strengthen their application.
University of Ottawa – Saint Paul University
If a student experiences extenuating circumstances that could affect their application, they may email Saint Paul University who will determine if they can take the student's situation into consideration when evaluating their file.
Queen's University
If there are any factors that clearly demonstrate significant extenuating circumstances beyond your control that have affected your academic performance in high school at some point during the past 2 years, you should submit a separate letter with supporting documents through .
University of Toronto
If your academic record has been negatively affected by extenuating circumstances, and your academic performance is below the usual requirements, you will have the opportunity to explain those circumstances. The University of Toronto may take this explanation into consideration during the admission process.
University of Toronto Mississauga
If your academic record has been negatively affected by extenuating circumstances, and your academic performance is below the usual requirements, you will have the opportunity to explain those circumstances. The University of Toronto may take this explanation into consideration during the admission process.
University of Toronto Scarborough
If your academic record has been negatively affected by extenuating circumstances, and your academic performance is below the usual requirements, you will have the opportunity to explain those circumstances. The University of Toronto may take this explanation into consideration during the admission process.
Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
If you feel that your academic performance has been impacted by events, barriers and/or other special or extenuating circumstances, you can complete Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)'s . The form must be submitted prior to receiving an admission decision. TMU is committed to reviewing each situation deemed reasonable on a case-by-case basis, in keeping with the principles of fairness and equity for all applicants.
Trent University
If your academic grades have been impacted by extenuating circumstances, we encourage you to to complete an Extenuating Circumstance Supplemental Application.
After you apply through the OUAC, you can access this application on the myTrent portal, under the “Academics” tab. The University will review each situation on a case‑by‑case basis.
Trent University – Durham Greater Toronto Area
If your academic grades have been impacted by extenuating circumstances, we encourage you to complete an Extenuating Circumstance Supplemental Application.
After you apply through the OUAC, you can access this application on the myTrent portal, under the “Academics” tab. The University will review each situation on a case‑by‑case basis.
University of Waterloo
If you have significant circumstances that affected your grades and that were not accommodated through your school or relevant services, you can . We will review each situation on a case-by-case basis.
University of Waterloo – Renison University College
If you have significant circumstances that affected your grades and that were not accommodated through your school or relevant services, you can . We will review each situation on a case-by-case basis.
University of Waterloo – St. Jerome's University
If you have significant circumstances that affected your grades and were not accommodated through your school or relevant services, you can . We will review each situation on a case-by-case basis.
Western University
provides an opportunity for you to share any extenuating circumstances that have adversely affected your grades with Western's Admissions Committee. Extenuating circumstances may include disability, personal illness, financial circumstances, required employment, family illnesses or other personal or family matters. Deadline: April 30.
The is an optional profile designed to recognize your commitment to “extracurricular activities and active citizenship” through ongoing contributions to school and community life. If you think your average will fall marginally below the University's minimum admission requirements and your commitments have impacted your grades, this form is for you. Deadline: April 30.
Western University – Huron University College
This Special Consideration Profile allows applicants to share any extenuating circumstances that have adversely affected their school record. Completing this form allows these circumstances to be considered while reviewing a student's application and academic record for admission. Please note that submission of this form is voluntary.
Western University – King's University College
King's recognizes that extenuating circumstances and extra-curricular activities can affect an individual's academic performance.
The Applicant Profile is voluntary. We encourage you to submit this form if you have not achieved the admissions average. We will consider the completed form and the attached materials (in addition to your grades) in a confidential process by the King's Admissions and Enrolment Committee.
Wilfrid Laurier University
If recent or present circumstances have impacted your ability to achieve a strong academic standing, you should submit your personal statement to Wilfrid Laurier University in your applicant portal. It is your decision to disclose any supporting details.
Wilfrid Laurier University – Brantford Campus
If recent or present circumstances have impacted your ability to achieve a strong academic standing, you should submit your personal statement to Wilfrid Laurier University in your applicant portal. It is your decision to disclose any supporting details.
Wilfrid Laurier University – Milton Campus
If recent or present circumstances have impacted your ability to achieve a strong academic standing, you should submit your personal statement to Wilfrid Laurier University in your applicant portal. It is your decision to disclose any supporting details.
University of Windsor
If you have special/extenuating circumstances, you are encouraged to email the University of Windsor's Office of the Registrar to speak with an Admissions and Records Officer for more information. The University will review each situation on a case-by-case basis.
York University
If you believe your academic record may not meet the minimum admission requirements for your program of choice, we invite you to submit an explanation of unexpected events or barriers that may have impacted your academic performance. Your submission will be reviewed if you do not meet the minimum admission requirements.
York University – Glendon Campus
If your academic standing was impacted by extenuating circumstances, Glendon College encourages you to submit , which will be considered with your application.
. You can also email the Student Recruitment & Applicant Relations Office or call 416-487-6710.
York University – Markham Campus
If you believe your academic record may not meet the minimum admission requirements for your program of choice, we invite you to submit an explanation of unexpected events or barriers that may have impacted your academic performance. Your submission will be reviewed if you do not meet the minimum admission requirements.