Ressources pour vous aider à vous préparer à l’université
Les universités proposent divers programmes et soutiens pour nombre de types d’étudiantes et d’étudiants. Les ressources dans cette page peuvent vous aider à vous adapter à la vie et aux études universitaires.
Nota : Les critères d’admissibilité peuvent varier d’un programme à un autre.
Il ne s’agit pas d’une liste exhaustive. Prière de communiquer directement avec l’université en question pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements.
Nota : Puisque plusieurs universités sont anglophones, les renseignements qu'elles ont fourni sont en anglais seulement.
University of Toronto Scarborough
- English-language development for students whose first language is not English.
- The First Year Learning Communities Program is a registered program that groups you with other students by your program of study to help you find a sense of community within your academic programs or shared identities. Available for first-year Arts and Science students.
- If you are an incoming Bachelor of Business Administration student, FLIP is here to help you get a head start in your first year. We have a great program lined up for you. This is a free program open to all first-year Management students.
- AccessAbility Services offers a summer transition program and monthly Traction Sessions to support incoming students with disabilities. This immersive program aims to help you navigate your first year at the University of Toronto Scarborough and build academic and learning strategies that are beneficial to university, such as reading, note-taking and time management.
- An engaging academic orientation hosted by the Academic Advising & Career Centre to help you transition to studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough.
- Aims to improve your proficiency in various subjects of mathematics and statistics.
- Provides resources as you prepare for the fall of your first year at U of T Scarborough.