Acting (3 years)
University of Ottawa
English | OCB | Exp. learning: Practicum or internship option available | Enrollment: 18
English | OCB | Exp. learning: Practicum or internship option available | Enrollment: 18
UNKNOWNFrench | OFG | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 60 The number of students enrolled in all the Administration publique disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OFV | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 60 The number of students enrolled in all the Administration publique disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OYR | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 10
UNKNOWNFrench | OFH | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 10 The number of students enrolled in all the Anthropology discipline last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OFW | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 10 The number of students enrolled in all the Anthropologie disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OXB | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 28 The number of students enrolled in all the Anthropology discipline last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OXR | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 28 The number of students enrolled in all the Anthropology disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OYB | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 10
UNKNOWNEnglish | OVT | Exp. learning: Practicum or internship option available | Enrollment: 10
UNKNOWNFrench | OZA | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 15 The number of students enrolled in all the Arts visuels disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OZ | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 15 The number of students enrolled in all the Arts visuels disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OAV | Exp. learning: Embedded community engagement/volunteerism/partnership | Enrollment: 45 The number of students enrolled in all the Arts-Études interdisciplinaires disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OAB | Exp. learning: Embedded community engagement/volunteerism/partnership | Enrollment: 45 The number of students enrolled in all the Arts - Études interdisciplinaires disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OAU | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 105 The number of students enrolled in all the Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OAA | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 105 The number of students enrolled in all the Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OUQ | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 147
UNKNOWNFrench | OZT | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 59
UNKNOWNFrench | OZU | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 35
UNKNOWNEnglish | OUR | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 125
UNKNOWNEnglish | OEC | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 106 Maximum enrollment in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering
UNKNOWNEnglish | OEY | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 106 Maximum enrollment in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering disciplines
UNKNOWNEnglish | OUN | Exp. learning: Co-op available by application after first year of studies | Enrollment: 340
UNKNOWNEnglish | OUM | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 67
UNKNOWNFrench | OSX | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 59 The number of students enrolled in all the Biochimie disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OSY | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 147 The number of students enrolled in all the Biochemistry disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OEE | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 105 Maximum enrollment in all the Chemical Engineering disciplines
UNKNOWNEnglish | OEA | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 86 Maximum enrollment in all the Chemical Engineering disciplines
UNKNOWNEnglish | OUS | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 38
UNKNOWNFrench | OZV | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 11
UNKNOWNEnglish | OHE | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 195 Maximum enrollment in all the Civil Engineering disciplines
UNKNOWNEnglish | OBA | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 195 Maximum enrollment in all the Civil Engineering disciplines
UNKNOWNEnglish | OTC | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 148 The number of students enrolled in all the Accounting disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OJM | Exp. learning: Practicum or internship option available | Enrollment: 14 The number of students enrolled in all the Commerce and Juris Doctor discipline last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OWM | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 108 The number of students enrolled in all the Business Technology Management disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OTO | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 226 The number of students enrolled in all the Finance disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OTA | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 10 The number of students enrolled in all the Healthcare Analytics disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OTQ | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 27 The number of students enrolled in all the Human Resource Management disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OTS | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 83 The number of students enrolled in all the International Management disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OTU | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 74 The number of students enrolled in all the Management disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OTW | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 102 The number of students enrolled in all the Marketing disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OCE | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 148 The number of students enrolled in all the Accounting disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OCJ | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 108 The number of students enrolled in all the Business Technology Management disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OCI | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 226 The number of students enrolled in all the Finance disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OCD | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 10 The number of students enrolled in all the Healthcare Analytics disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OCR | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 27 The number of students enrolled in all the Human Resources disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OCV | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 83 The number of students enrolled in all the International Management disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OCS | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 74 The number of students enrolled in all the Management disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OCT | Exp. learning: Class-based experiential education | Enrollment: 102 The number of students enrolled in all the Marketing disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OYC | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 112 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OV | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 159 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OVY | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 159 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OXS | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 159 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OVZ | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 159 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OXT | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 159 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OZB | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 112 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OFX | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 112 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OZC | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 112 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OFY | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 112 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OZD | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 112 The number of students enrolled in all the Communication disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OBE | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 167 Maximum enrollment in Computer Engineering
UNKNOWNEnglish | ORC | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 223 Maximum enrollment in all the Computer Science disciplines
UNKNOWNEnglish | ORA | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 223 Maximum enrollment in all the Computer Science disciplines
UNKNOWNEnglish & French | OCL | Exp. learning: Practicum or internship option available | Enrollment: 50 Maximum enrollment in Conception multidisciplinaire- apprentissage expérientiel
UNKNOWNEnglish | OXC | Exp. learning: Co-op option available with this program | Enrollment: 45
UNKNOWNFrench | OFI | Exp. learning: Practicum or internship option available | Enrollment: 157 The number of students enrolled in all the Criminologie disciplines last year
UNKNOWNFrench | OFZ | Exp. learning: Practicum or internship option available | Enrollment: 157 The number of students enrolled in all the Criminologie disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OXD | Exp. learning: Practicum or internship option available | Enrollment: 294 The number of students enrolled in all the Criminology disciplines last year
UNKNOWNEnglish | OXU | Exp. learning: Practicum or internship option available | Enrollment: 294 The number of students enrolled in all the Criminology disciplines last year
UNKNOWNOUInfo is a guide to 17³Ô¹Ï's universities. It provides information about university programs, admission requirements and more. OUInfo should be used as a starting point for researching university options.